Registration Information

Tina’s Center has offered adult formation courses for Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 over the years at a variety of locations throughout the Chicagoland area. The Center works with parishes and churches who are interested in hosting a formation course, engages the formation team for the course, and manages all of the registration and other administrative tasks in order to provide the best possible experience for the participants and the hosting organization.

Payment Options

Once we receive your registration, we will email you an invoice with the deposit and / or full tuition amount and payment options. Many participants have all, or a portion of, their course tuition paid by their church or parish, or other sponsoring organization and this invoice can be presented to the business office of that organization. While tuition payments are not refundable once the full tuition due date has passed for that particular course, they can be transferred to another participant from the same organization.

We are able to accept checks made payable to “Lake Michigan Catechists, Inc.”

Click on one of the Current Course links below to view details and complete registration.